14 Dec 2022

EYOF FVG 2023 Olympic values presented to regional sports high schools students

Categories: EYOF

As part of the complementary programme leading up to the European Youth Olympic Festival Friuli Venezia Giulia 2023 (EYOF FVG 2023), on Wednesday 7 December, the Comelli Auditorium of the Palazzo della Regione in Sabbadini, Udine, hosted the Educational Convention “THE OLYMPIC VALUES”.

The event, aimed at students at high schools studying sports in Friuli Venezia Giulia, was promoted by the EYOF FVG 2023 Organising Committee in collaboration with the Ministry of Education and Merit and the Regional Department of Education.

The meeting was attended by 360 students, mainly from the state high schools in Tarvisio, Gemona, Maniago, Monfalcone and Trieste. The students were educated on the ethics and values of sport in the Olympic Charter, and learned about previous champions from Friuli Venezia Giulia, a region renowned for hosting great sporting events. They were also informed on the ethical and moral values of sport, anti-doping, nutrition, and artificial intelligence applied to sport.

The convention opened with a video message from the President of the Friuli Venezia Giulia Region, Massimiliano Fedriga. Following this, an impressive line-up of speakers gave information and personal insight to help the students learn about the relationship between education and sport.

“We wanted to hold this convention because we are convinced that, in addition to representing a job opportunity, sport is a great school of life. Even in its individual form, it is always a team game in which everyone is called upon to respect the same rules and each other. The purpose of this event is to remind all students of the strong educational value in sport. An athlete is a true sportsperson when he or she practises sport for passion by following the advice of those with experience, accepting the decisions of the jury and the referee without objection, winning without presumption and accepting defeat without bitterness, preferring to lose rather than win by unfair means,” said EYOF FVG 2023 President Maurizio Dunnhofer.

The General Director of the EYOF FVG 2023 Giorgio Kaidisch, highlighted the characteristics of this 16th winter edition of the European Youth Olympic Festival, which have been organised across various venues in the region. Kaidisch said “It will be an event, with a focus on sustainability, with the aim of leaving a legacy to the region and enriching the experience of all the young volunteers who have decided to be part of our team”.

The 16th edition of the winter EYOF will see 2,300 participants, including 1,300 athletes from 47 NOCs aged 14 to 18, competing across 14 sporting events. Approximately 1,300 volunteers will be present to ensure the competition runs smoothly, while athletes will gather in Friuli Venezia Giulia to compete in what is sure to be a memorable event from 21-28 January 2023.