15 Apr 2016


Categories: Misc.

Vilnius, April 15, 2016 – the first SIGGS (Support the Implementation of Good Governance in Sport) strategy workshop was hosted on Wednesday in the Lithuanian capital with great success.
The SIGGS Project intends to promote and support good governance practices of national Olympic committees and sports federations, giving these organizations consultation and opportunities for improvement. The project, coordinated by the EOC EU Office connects 12 organizations, including the European sport and employment organization, the Catholic University of Leuven, the German Olympic sports confederation leadership academy, and 9 national Olympic committees, as well as the Lithuanian national Olympic Committee (LNOC).
The Workshop was attended by 20 participants from 7 national federations (including handball, rugby, shooting, rowing, volleyball, equestrian and hockey), the National Olympic Committee of Lithuania and the Lithuanian Union of Sport Federations.
The Workshop was officially opened by the President of the National Olympic Committee, Ms Daina Gudzineviciute, who welcomed the participants and stressed the importance of implementing good governance principles. Following this welcome, Valentin Capelli and Matthias Van Baelen of the EOC EU Office presented a short introduction to the topic of good governance followed by an explanation on the objectives, methodology and activities of the SIGGS Project. Particular emphasis was put on the functionality of the Roadmaps and Action Plans developed over recent months.
Following this, Aurélien Favre of EOSE presented the results of the first evaluation round that took place in October-November last year. In total, 10 Lithuanian sport organisations participated in the evaluation that was sent to 14 organisations.
Then, two organisations presented their experiences with good governance in Lithuania. Under the title “rising power”, the Lithuanian Rugby Federation presented an interesting process that started in 2013. With small steps towards professional management and administration, they have managed to double the number of club members and to significantly professionalise the structure. In particular in financial arrangements and strategic planning, important changes have been made that lead to more financial capacity and better sports results. The example has also been included in the Roadmaps of the SIGGS Project.
Agne Vanagiene of the Lithuanian Union of Sport Federations conducted the second presentation. She presented a research done within the framework of a MEMOS dissertation on the implementation of good governance in Lithuanian sport.
During the afternoon session, there were small group discussions to evaluate the information provided and to discuss the situation in Lithuanian sport federations. The discussions were structured around the issues of how to improve risk management, gender equality and liaison with athletes in Lithuania, as the evaluation shows that improvement can be made in this regard. The participants also look at how this could contribute to good governance activities planned at national level by the NOC and the Lithuanian Union of Sport Federations.
Finally, the second version of the self-evaluation tool was launched with the option to consult the different Roadmaps and to obtain a customised Action Plan.
The next Strategic Workshop is scheduled for 4 May 2016 in Lisbon, Portugal.
The SIGGS project was initiated in January 2015, and will continue until December 2016. Strategic seminars will be held in 7 countries. Next November, Brussels will host the final conference of the project, to present the developed SIGGS questionnaire to the national Olympic committees and sports federations.
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