L'Ordre du Mérite des COE est la plus haute distinction des Comités Olympiques Européens. Il récompense les mérites éminents d’un personne physique à l’égard du Mouvement olympique. L'Ordre du Mérite des COE, créé en 1995, prévoit le port d’une décoration à titre personnel. Peut recevoir l'Ordre du Mérite des COE, toute personne ayant contribué par ses actions à :

La diffusion en Europe des idéaux olympiques selon la Charte olympique du CIO

La promotion de la coopération entre les CNO européens et plus généralement toute personne ayant illustré l'idéal olympique par ses actions, acquis des mérites éminents dans le monde sportif ou ayant rendu des services exceptionnels à la cause olympique.

  • The diffusion in Europe of the Olympic ideals according to the IOC Olympic Charter
  • The promotion of the cooperation between the European NOCs and more generally, any person who has illustrated the Olympic ideal through his actions, has achieved remarkable merit in the sporting world or who has rendered outstanding services to the Olympic cause.
30th Edition 2024
(ITA) Mr. Raffaele PAGNOZZI EOC Secretary General
29th Edition 2023
(POL) Mr. Andrzej KRASNICKI Honorary President
28th Edition 2022
(SWE) Ms. Gunilla LINDBERG ANOC Secretary General
27th edition 2021
(CYP) Kikis Lazarides EOC Treasurer
26th edition, 2020
(SLO) Janez Kocijancic EOC President
25th edition, 2019
(SVK) Frantisek CHMELAR Former Member of the EOC Executive Committee
24th edition, 2018
(RUS) Mr. Alexander KOZLOVSKY Former Member of EOC Executive Committee
23rd edition, 2017
Mr. Zlatko Matesa (CRO) Mr. Zlatko Matesa Mr. Zlatko Matesa Mr. Zlatko Matesa President of the NOC of Croatia
22nd edition, 2016
Did not take place Did not take place Did not take place Did not take place
21st edition, 2015
HE Mehriban ALIYEVA (AZE) HE Mehriban ALIYEVA HE Mehriban ALIYEVA HE Mehriban ALIYEVA First Lady of Azerbaijan
20th edition, 2014
Thomas BACH (GER) Thomas BACH Thomas BACH Thomas BACH IOC President
19th edition, 2013
Olafur RAFNSSON (ISL) Olafur RAFNSSON Olafur RAFNSSON Olafur RAFNSSON President of NOC of Iceland
18th edition, 2012
Lord Sebastian COE (GBR) Lord Sebastian COE Lord Sebastian COE Lord Sebastian COE Chairman London Games 2012
17th edition, 2011
16th edition, 2010
Piotr NUROWSKI (POL) Piotr NUROWSKI Piotr NUROWSKI Piotr NUROWSKI President of NOC of Poland
15th edition, 2009
Walther TROEGER (GER) Walther TROEGER Walther TROEGER Walther TROEGER IOC Member
14th edition, 2008
Henri SERANDOUR (FRA) Henri SERANDOUR Henri SERANDOUR Henri SERANDOUR IOC Member, President NOC of France
13th edition, 2007
Mario VAZQUEZ RAÑA (MEX) Mario VAZQUEZ RAÑA Mario VAZQUEZ RAÑA Mario VAZQUEZ RAÑA ANOC President, Member of the IOC Executive Board
12th edition, 2006
Mario PESCANTE (ITA) Mario PESCANTE Mario PESCANTE Mario PESCANTE Member of the IOC Executive Board, EOC Honorary President for life
11th edition, 2005
HSH Prince Albert II de Monaco (MON) HSH Prince Albert II de Monaco HSH Prince Albert II de Monaco HSH Prince Albert II de Monaco IOC Member
10th edition, 2004
Jacques ROGGE (BEL) Jacques ROGGE Jacques ROGGE Jacques ROGGE IOC President
9th edition, 2003
Sinan ERDEM (TUR) Sinan ERDEM Sinan ERDEM Sinan ERDEM IOC Member, President of NOC of Turkey
8th edition, 2002
7th edition, 2001
Juan Antonio SAMARANCH (ESP) Juan Antonio SAMARANCH Juan Antonio SAMARANCH Juan Antonio SAMARANCH IOC Honorary President for life
6th edition, 2000
Aleksander KWASNIEWSKI (POL) Aleksander KWASNIEWSKI Aleksander KWASNIEWSKI Aleksander KWASNIEWSKI President of the Republic of Poland Joao HAVELANGE (BRA) Joao HAVELANGE Joao HAVELANGE Joao HAVELANGE IOC Member, Honorary President of FIFA
5th edition, 1999
Gunnar ERICSSON (SWE) Gunnar ERICSSON Gunnar ERICSSON Gunnar ERICSSON IOC Honorary Member
4th edition, 1998
H.E. the Judge Keba MBAYE (SEN) H.E. the Judge Keba MBAYE H.E. the Judge Keba MBAYE H.E. the Judge Keba MBAYE IOC Vice President
3rd edition, 1997
Raymond GAFNER (SUI) Raymond GAFNER Raymond GAFNER Raymond GAFNER IOC Honorary Member Marc HODLER (SUI) Marc HODLER Marc HODLER Marc HODLER Member of the IOC Executive Board
2nd edition, 1996
Anselmo LOPEZ (ESP) Anselmo LOPEZ Anselmo LOPEZ Anselmo LOPEZ Honour Director, IOC Olympic Solidarity
1st edition, 1995
Claude COLLARD (FRA) Claude COLLARD Claude COLLARD Claude COLLARD President Mediterranean Games International Committee Raoul MOLLET (ESP) Raoul MOLLET Raoul MOLLET Raoul MOLLET Honour President of COIB