30 Mar 2017


Categories: Misc.

30 march 2017

In the wake of the success of the EOC Young Ambassador pilot project at the Winter EYOF in Erzurum, the same project has now been launched for the fast approaching Summer EYOF in Gyor.

The European National Olympic Committees are encouraged to name a Young Athlete Ambassador who can assist their young teams in getting ready for Gyor 2017 in July.

The ideal candidate is a young person aged 18 to 25 who is inspired by sport and Olympic values, and wishes to contribute to building a strong value-based foundation for the international sporting community.

The deadline for the NOCs to apply is 21 April 2017.

Each Ambassador will introduce his young colleagues to what it means to participate at a first Olympic style multi-sport event, and provide them with a deeper understanding of the values that underpin the EYOF and the Olympic Movement in general, and so consolidate the concept that Olympic sport goes well beyond mere competition.


The mission of the Young Athlete Ambassadors is to promote Olympic values, respect, friendship and excellence, and the EOC’s own values of integrity, solidarity and innovation, and encourage participating athletes to interact with their peers, share happy moments and make long lasting friendships.