1. EU / CONVENTION – Opening of the Convention for the Preparation for the Next Intergovernmental Conference
The European Convention that was called by the European Council in Laeken in 2001 in order to prepare for the next Intergovernmental Conference in the most comprehensive and transparent possible way came together for the first time on 28 February 2002. Its four elements are representatives of the national parliaments, the European Parliament, the heads of state and government, and the European Commission.
The working method of the Convention will consist first of a hearing phase aimed at determining the demands that citizens have for Europe. Then an analysis of the results of the first phase will be carried out in order to weigh up the advantages and disadvantages of the proposals for the shaping of the European Union. The third and final phase will then consist of working out and formulating proposals and recommendations in reference to the Intergovernmental Conference. The definitive text version should be submitted by the end of June/beginning of July 2003.
2. EU/Commission / DOPING – Meeting with the Focus on Anti-Doping Policy in the EU
On 20 March 2002 the European Commission is holding a meeting of the 15 Member States of the EU and the European sport associations in Brussels. The hostess, Commissioner Viviane Reding, will welcome among others IOC President Jacques Rogge.
The focus of the meeting is working out common, practical solutions that can be implemented quickly for bringing closer together the policies of the Member States and the associations in the area of doping problems. The EU Office will report on the meeting.
3. EU/OLYMPICS / DOPING – Passport for Athletes Supported by EU Is Introduced
At the Winter Olympic Games this year in Salt Lake City, USA, the so-called athlete’s passport was introduced. Jointly with the chairman of the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA), Richard Pound, and the project manager Johann Koss, on 07 February 2002 EU Commissioner Viviane Reding introduced the project, which was supported by the European Union with 300,000?.
With this passport an athlete can make his or her commitment against doping publicly visible. Participation in the project is voluntary and primarily intended for top athletes. In the near future the passport is meant to be replaced with an “electronic visiting card”.
It is likewise possible for athletes, national or international associations and anti-doping organisations to look at the collected information on the Internet (http://www.wadapassport.org). At the moment this Internet page serves only as a starting place for the athletes for doping tests and informational materials. In the near future additional functions will be made available to the associations and sport organisations.
4. Council of Europe / YOUTH – “Young Active Citizens” Competition of the Council of Europe
The Council of Europe has called for the submission of proposals for the newly created award “Young Active Citizens”. Young people between the ages of 16 and 30 can be proposed, who are committed to the participation of young people in political life in their district or their region as youth leaders, members of a youth organisation, a youth network or some other regional/local structure.
Youth organisations, youth groups, youth networks and other regional and local participation structures of young people from 48 countries that have signed the European Culture Convention of the Council of Europe have the right to propose candidates. Proposals can be submitted until 30 April in English or French. Five projects will be awarded monetary prizes up to 4,000 ? . There is further information on the Internet under:
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