21 Jun 2023

Interview: Kasra Mehdipournejad, EOC Refugee Team flagbearer (taekwondo)

Categories: EG

20 June 2023

How does it feel to have finally arrived in Poland?

I’m so happy to be here, competing at the European Games. I heard already that Krakow is a nice city. I’m so excited to visit the city and continue my training for the competition. The journey to be here was hard, with lots of hard work and training, but I finally achieved the qualification as one of the top 13 in the ranking (lists.)

And how do you feel about being a flag bearer of the EOC Refugee Team?

I’m so excited to be one of the flag bearers. This is the first time I’m competing in a continental Games and it’s like a dream, to be honest, to be able to represent the refugee people around the world.

You live in Germany. What kind of support have you received from the German National Olympic Committee and the European Olympic Family?

Yes, I live in Berlin and they help me very much. The biggest support is from the IOC, which is the opportunity to compete in different international competitions. They cover all the costs. The German NOC offers the link with the IOC. On the side they are always supporting and I’m sure they’ll be supporting me forever.

What are your personal hopes and expectations for the European Games?

My goal is always to enjoy fighting and to give my best performance. I hope that I can perform my best and show my best abilities. This is the most important thing that I focus on.

What do you hope to experience in Poland while you are here?

After the competition, I will stay for two days. It’s a good time to visit the city and eat nice food! I’m also looking forward to meeting my friends from the Poland national team. We’ve done many training camps together in the past – in Poland but never in this region of Malopolska.

Do you have any special message for World Refugee Day?

I would send this message to refugees around the world: I know many of them have a difficult life, sometimes even without access to water, to medical facilities, and life is getting worse and worse. But I would send them the message: never give up and always follow your dreams. Your dreams always show the way!