22 Apr 2016


Categories: Misc.

Lausanne, April 21, 2016 – Once again, IOC Olympic Solidarity will offer support to NOC candidates admitted to the 2016 MEMOS Executive Masters in Sport Organisation Management.

The Mission of MEMOS, which is organised by the Belgian University of Louvain, is to help professionals working in national or international sports bodies to develop the knowledge and skills required to better manage their organizations.

Director of Olympic SolidarityPere Mirórecalled how “Olympic Solidarity has supported theMEMOS programme formany years. Its manygraduates contribute toa better managementof the Olympic sportorganisations.”

Two MEMOScourses are available in 2016: MEMOS XX in English, andMEMOS VII in French.

NOCs should choose candidates that will contribute to their sport organisation and the national sport system in the long-term, possibly proposing a practical project, so bringing direct benefits to their organisation.

NOCs must lodge applications, with the requested ddocuments, to MEMOS or Olympic Solidarity within the deadline of next 15 June. The MEMOS selection committee, which includes MEMOS tutors and lecturers, will select approximately 35 participants for the course in English and 20 for the one in French.

Details and full information at IOC Olympic Solidarity or