20 Jul 2017


Categories: Misc.

20 July 2017

The 20th Macchabiah Games Closing Ceremony, in Jerusalem’s Latrum on 7 July, bid farewell to all 10,000 participants at a ceremony for the 70th anniversary of Israeli Independence, where all 80 countries joined together to celebrate each other’s accomplishments.

The Jerusalem 2017 Macchabiah Games started on July 6, with some 7,000 Jewish athletes from 80 countries descending upon Israel to join 2,500 local athletes in the Olympic-style competition. 58 teams won medals, led by Israel and the United States.

Born in 1932, the Macchabiah Games, the Jewish world multi-sport competition, are held every four years and organised under the IOC umbrella. This year the Maccabiah Games also had the added significance of coinciding with the Israeli national holiday that celebrates the 50th anniversary of the reunification of Jerusalem.

Athletes competed in 43 different sports in the categories of Youth, Open, Masters and Paralympics. In the host city, some 3,000 athletes participated in 14 sports at Jerusalem’s Pais Arena and other venues. Additional competitions were held at 68 sports complexes throughout Israel.