09 Dec 2020

Jan Vapaavuori elected President of Finnish Olympic Committee

Categories: EOC

9 December 2020

Jan Vapaavuori was elected President of the Finnish Olympic Committee during its General Assembly in Helsinki on 21 November 2020.

Four candidates ran for the election of the NOC presidency, two women and two men. Mr Vapaavuori won during the second round, defeating Susanna Rahkamo who will continue its mandate as Vice-President.

Vapaavuori is currently Mayor of Helsinki and has a long political career within the National Coalition Party. He served as a Member of Parliament between the years 2003–2015 and was Minister of Economic Affairs 2012–2015. A sports man by heart, he believes that through the challenging times of the Covid-19 pandemic, sport plays a vital role in securing mental and physical well-being of people across the world.

The General Assembly also elected a new Executive Board for the next term of 2020-2024, with five women and five men as Members. Together with Vice-President Rahkamo, Ms Sari Multala was elected also as Vice-President – both Olympians and expe­rienced leaders within the sport movement.

The Executive Board Members for the next quadrennium are:

Mr Marco Casagrande (Finnish Football Federation), Mr Markku Haapasalmi (Finnish Skiing Federation), Ms Hanna Hartikainen (Finnish Golf Federation), Mr Tapio Korjus (Finnish Fitness Sport), Ms Katja Mjøsund (Finnish Biathlon Federation), Mr Esa Niemi (Finnish Judo Federation)

Athlete representatives: Mr Mika Poutala and Anni Vuohijoki

Representing IOC: Ms Sari Essayah and Ms Emma Terho.