23 May 2019


Categories: Misc.

23 May 2019

The prize and commemorative medals of the 2nd European Games were presented in Mir Castle, Belarus exactly a month before the start of the multi-sport event, on 21 May.

The presentation event took place on the same day as the torch relay for the “Flame of Peace” passed by. The main symbol of the Games – the magical flower “Paparats Kvetka” – was incorporated into the medal design, which was conceived by Brama Branding company.

The shape of the medal is a classical circle in the middle of which there appear to be sunbeams with fuzzy outlines. This is exactly how the sun looks on a bright summer day – a nod to the season when the 2nd European Games will be held. The end of June is the hottest time during the Belarusian summer when the sun seems to be melting in the sky.

A design without any sharp edges also symbolises the main characteristics of the Belarusian people: softness, friendliness, heartiness and a closeness to nature. The diameter of the medal – 9.5 cm – comes about from the 9.5 million people who live in Belarus. The case for the medals, made from wood, will add to the cozy feel and warmth of the prize. It brings forth associations with traditional Belarusian crafts, Belarusian nature and, in part, with forests. It is here in the very heart of Europe, as legend claims, that the magical flower Paparats Kvetka blooms and makes dreams come true.

“The medals presentation for any multi-sport event of this level is one of the key moments not only for the organising team but also for the participating countries of the Games”, MEGOC CEO George Katulin said. “And it is a very emblematic moment especially for athletes. The goals for which they have trained so hard and for such a long time acquire a concrete form.

“The first medals will reach their owners exactly a month from now,” Katulin also added.

A total of 1,084 medals will be made for the 2nd European Games, including 329 gold and silver medals, as well as 426 bronze medals. The name of the sport and the discipline in which the medal is awarded will be engraved on the back of each medal. Each medal will be packed in a wooden case made from hardwoods, which will have the logo of the Games embossed on the top in a colour that corresponds with the medal (first place – gold, second place – silver, third place – bronze).

In addition to the medals awarded for top results in the Games competitions, there will be commemorative medals, which will be awarded to all participants of the 2nd European Games and officials that make up the sports delegations from different countries. They will be smaller copies of the medals given to competition winners.