14 Nov 2022

NOC Israel holds 5th “Sports Tech Nation 2022” and “Sport Directors” Forum in Tel Aviv

Categories: ENOCs

8 November 2022 was a very significant day for the Olympic Committee of Israel.

In the morning, the 5th annual innovation and sports conference “Sports Tech Nation 2022” was held in Tel Aviv. As a leader of innovation and technology for improving performance in sports in Israel, the National Olympic Committee (NOC) of Israel, along with its strategic partners (Technion Institute of Technology, the Weizmann Institute of Science and Levinsky-Wingate Academic Center) led a unique session that was led by NOC Scientific Director and a member of the EOC Digital and Technology Commission Muli Epstein. This session focused on four topics:

  • The contribution of biomechanics to sports performance
  • Genetics and elite sports
  • The biological clock and human function
  • Monitoring sports performance using wearable technologies

Full gender equality was expressed in panels and lectures. In total 7 women and 7 men participated in this session.

In the afternoon, the 2nd Sport Directors Forum was held at Ono Academic College. A joint initiative of the Olympic Committee of Israel and “Athena – the Center for Promoting Women’s Sports in Israel”, the Forum aimed to connect female and male sport directors with the business world, while providing practical tools for their integration into management levels and accelerating the echelon of senior managers to take leadership positions in the world of sports. The main topic of this forum was innovation in marketing as a management tool, which was attended by 55 directors.

NOC President Yael Arad said: “I am proud of the processes of developing the management echelon both at the middle and senior levels. In order to encourage young people in general and women in particular to get involved in sports management in Israel we must support, assist, connect and increase the motivation to choose sports in the management aspect as well. The connection between Athena and the Olympic Committee of Israel is natural and the positive activity of the organizations in the development of women in the world of sports management is already yielding significant results.”