09 Mar 2009

NOC of San Marino celebrates 50th anniversary!

Categories: Misc.

A very full programme awaited the Olympic Family on the 7th of March, all come to the smallest and oldest Republic in the world, perched on a rock in central Italy, between the Apennines and the Adriatic. President Angelo Vicini and Secretary General Fabrizio Stacchini were indeed keen to share this important event that is the celebrations for the 50th anniversary of the foundation of the CONS with all the friends San Marino has in sport.
First among the guests were: the leaders of the Italian NOC, President Gianni Petrucci and Secretary General Raffaele Pagnozzi, there also as Secretary General of the EOC; a delegation from the EOC led by Vice President Alexander Kozlovsky; the IOC, represented by First Vice President Lambis Nikolaou and Board Member Mario Pescante.
And also guests of honour: the President of the Mediterranean Games Committee, Algerian Amar Addadi, together with delegations from the seven smallest countries in Europe that, with San Marino, every two years live the great experience of the GSSE, as well as another very special guest, Prince Albert of Monaco.
Everyone was there to pay homage to a love for sport and attachment to Olympic values that have been the lymph of the NOC of San Marino and the guiding principles of its leaders, the athletes and the people of the rock, since the NOC was founded in 1959.
Many special events awaited the delegates. There were: a meeting with the government representatives, the Captains Regent Assunta Meloni and Ernesto Benedettini, and the Secretary of State for Sport Fabio Berardi; the renewal of the collaboration agreement with the Italian NOC; the presentation of the Republics highest decoration, the Order of Saint Agatha, to CONI President Gianni Petrucci and the CONS Golden Collar to IOC First Vice President Lambis Nikolaou. Furthermore, a special stamp and a book on the history of the CONS will hand down the feats of San Marino athletes to future generations.
At the end of the days celebrations there was the inauguration of an exhibition of documents and photos that record the 50 years of activity of this NOC, followed by a Gala evening at the Domus Multi Event Sports Hall and a fantastic firework show done to music. Happy anniversary dear friends from San Marino and our best wishes for the next 50 years at least!