11 Sep 2017


Categories: Misc.

11 September 2017

The National Olympic Committee of Ukraine gave start to All-Ukrainian final stage of the global project for children “Olympic Stork” – “Olympic moves”.

On 9 September, at the opening ceremony with the participation of NOC President, Olympic Champion Sergey Bubka and many Olympic Medalists, everything was like the real Olympic Games: flags’ raising, teams’ parade, the proclamation of oaths by a participant, coach and judge and, of course, the Olympic flame.

During the week 350 winners aged 11-12 from all Ukrainian regions in Olympic Camp will compete in physical exercises, team presentation, relay, quiz, mobile game, meet the champions.

The event, was held for the first time in 2011, is carried out during the entire school year with assistance of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine together with IOC TOP Partner and NOC of Ukraine sponsor “Coca-Cola”

The main goal of the event is to educate children on unique values ​​of the Olympic Movement – friendship, mutual respect, solidarity and generosity; formation of their skills and healthy lifestyle, involvement into active physical training and sports, preparation for high efficient work.

All-Ukrainian sports event “Olympic Stork” is held in four stages: competition in schools all around Ukraine, city competitions, regional competitions and All-Ukrainian final.

At all stages, the event program includes three components: sport, education and culture.

“We are trying to do our best sharing unique Olympic values among youth. It’s important to show them the beauty of sports, to provide with the necessary education and sport experience. Health and knowledge are the two key values for all the times” – said Sergey Bubka.
