27 Nov 2018


Categories: Misc.

27 November 2018

The Ukrainian Olympic Committee celebrated Mexico 1968 and Seoul 1988 Olympic medallists in Kiev, Ukraine on 26 November.

Respectively 50 years and 30 years later, NOC President Sergey Bubka organised a special ceremony – namely the “Olympic Jubilee” – to pay tribute to the Ukrainian athletes who, after these two Olympic Games, became country’s sport legends. In 1968, Ukraine as a part of the USSR Team won a total of 35 medals (14 gold, 10 silver and 11 bronze), while in 1988 won 62 medals (22 gold, 16 silver and 24 bronze).

Bubka, who became Olympic Champion in pole-vaulting at Seoul 1988, recalled his immense pleasure and honour when he visited Korea representing, on behalf of IOC President Thomas Bach, the World Olympic Family on occasion of Seoul 1988 30th anniversary celebrations. “Honestly, it is difficult to express the emotions that you feel after coming back to the place where you fulfilled your long-awaited, most cherished Olympic dream”, he said.

“It is a great honour to have here all those who represented so fiercely their motherland at the world most prestigious competition” he commented in addressing the Ukrainian sports legends at the commemorative ceremony in Kiev. “We want these traditions to live with future generations”.

During the celebrations, Mexico 1968 and Seoul 1988 medallists were immersed,  through videos and photos of their Olympic performances, in the wonderful memories of the past. They also received special gifts from the NOC of Ukraine.

On the eve of the Olympic jubilee, Olympians from different sports and generations joined the Ukrainian Olympians Assembly to discuss different issues on the role of Olympians in society, Olympic heritage, social security etc. During the Assembly, rowing Olympic medallist Nina Umanets was re-elected President of Ukrainian Olympians Association for the 2019-2022 period.