07 Aug 2013


Categories: Misc.

Bratislava, 7th August – Since its establishment in December 1992 the Slovak Olympic Committee (SOC) developed comprehensive and colourful activities on the field of Olympism, mainly focused on youth.

This July welcomed the SOC in the High Tatra mountains two completely different groups of people: „Steps to the Health“ for the women 50+, and the International Olympic Youth Camp.

The first weekend in Tatras belonged to the women over 50 years. Almost 50 women participated in the new SOC project „Steps to the Health“ which started in February in Bratislava with 40 training lessons in the gym and on the stadium of Kalinciakova Primary School.

They were encouraged by the active participation of Olympic medallist and the new IOC member Danka Bartekova. The qualified lecturers teached them how to practice. aerobic, yoga, nordic walking, tai-chi or overball exercises. The most active 15 participants (with 25 and more participations of out of total 40 lessons) took part in the final „camp“ in the High Tatras Horny Smokovec (5-7 July).

The pilot project „Steps to the Health“ will proceed from September until the end of the year again.

This project was financially widely supported by the IOC Olympic Solidarity, as well as by the Slovak Ministry of Education and Slovak Olympic Marketing Inc. Olympic Club of Bratislava as well as SOC commission for women and sport contributed by the material and personal support.

Two weeks later came to the same place 25 youngsters in the age 10 – 13 years from 4 countries (Slovakia, Czech Republic, Poland and Hungary) to participate in the 3rd edition of the International Olympic Youth Camp (IOYC). It lasted from 16 to 21 July.

This SOC project was financially supported mainly by the Visegrad Fund and partially by the IOC Olympic Solidarity and by the Slovak Ministry of Education. Slovak Olympic Academy, SOC Fair Play Club and the Olympic Club of Vysoke Tatry contributed by the personal support.

Five international teams were established, each in one Olympic colour. Couple of active Olympians and other top athletes took part in the programe – Alpine skiers Adam Zampa, Jana Gantnerova, cross-country skier Peter Mlynar, junior national team members in luge – .together with other famous athletes from the past, mainly from the Tatra region.

The camp was full of various activities, where the youngsters needed to use their physical strength, endurance and knowledges, as well as open mind to show their communication and cooperation abilities. Their achievements in individual competitions were awarded by medals and diplomas, in the team competitions by the sport material.