23 Jun 2016


Categories: Misc.

Lausanne, 22 June 2016

EOC President and ANOC Senior Vice President Patrick Hickey was in in Lausanne on Tuesday for an Olympic Summit where major Olympic Movement stakeholders discussed the issue of doping ahead of the Rio Olympic Games.

Gathered in the Lausanne Palace, which is serving as a temporary seat of the IOC during the construction of its new HQ, the participants in the Olympic Summit agreed unanimously the following measures:

-To fully respect the decision of the IAAF Council with regard to the specific situation of track and field in Russia as outlined in the report and recommendations of the IAAF Task Force.

– The IFs and NOCs to undertake all efforts to keep doped athletes away from the Olympic Games Rio 2016. This requires IFs in particular to take swift action to suspend all athletes who have infringed anti-doping rules following the re-testing programme of samples from the Olympic Games Beijing 2008 and London 2012.

– All NOCs and IFs should sanction not only doped athletes, but also their coaches, officials, doctors or any other persons implicated. They should in addition not request accreditation for the Olympic Games for any person currently implicated in an anti-doping rule violation. The IOC to take appropriate measures to the same effect.

– To fully review the anti-doping system by requesting WADA to convene an “Extraordinary World Conference on Doping” in 2017.

– The Olympic Summit on 8 October 2016 to propose further measures for debate at this conference. This will in particular include the reinforcement of the request issued by the Olympic Summit on 17 October 2015 to make the entire anti-doping system independent from sports organisations.

Full info and statement at