23 Aug 2022

Scholars to Discuss International Understanding and Peace within Olympic Movement at EOA Seminar Klaipeda

Categories: EOC

The European Olympic Academies (EOA) will host a seminar at Klaipeda University in Lithuania on 25 August 2022, where international scholars will discuss the “Opportunities and limits of the Olympic Movement for international understanding and peace in the context of current time”.

The seminar will be held in a hybrid format, with delegates of National Olympic Academies from north-east Europe attending in person while sports administrators, athletes, students, journalists and fans of the Olympic Games can participate online via Zoom.

The morning session will see the conference topic addressed in several lectures by world-class international academics such as Prof. Dionyssis Gangas from the International Olympic Academy; Dr. Ansgar Molzberger from the German Sport University Cologne; President of the Olympic Academy of Ukraine Prof. Dr. Maria Bulatova; Prof. Jim Parry of Charles University and Klaipeda University’s Associate Prof. Dr. Olga Kuvaldina. Each lecturer will discuss a subject within the conference topic; ranging from “The Olympic Movement as a soft power in the international political environment” to “Can sport really be a tool for peace?”.

In the afternoon, attention will turn to the ongoing war in Ukraine with a study presentation on the top 10 needs of Ukraine’s Olympic sports and a panel discussion titled “The war in the Ukraine: What can the Olympic Movement achieve?”. Prof. Dr. Mariia Bulatova is expected to present key insight into the current situation and explain how the Olympic Movement has united to support Ukrainian athletes.

President of the Lithuanian Olympic Academy Prof. Dr. Asta Sarkauskiene, said, “We are very happy to host the first EOA Seminar here at Klaipeda University. This is a unique opportunity to learn, in greater detail, about what the Olympic Movement is and what it can achieve. We look forward to welcoming the many well-recognised international speakers as well as the delegates of the National Olympic Academies to Klaipeda.”

Registration for this fascinating event is still available for online listeners here. Once registered, you will receive the Zoom meeting link by email on the day of the event.

More info here