24 Feb 2009

Slask Beskidy 2009 another great Winter EYOF!

Categories: Misc.

Wisla (POL), 21 February The Closing Party for the 9th Winter EYOF took place in Wisla Hoff square, where Piotr Nurowski, NOC President, Tadeusz Pilarz, Chair of Organizational Committee, and Guido de Bondt, Chair of EOC EYOF Commission, thanked the athletes for their great attitude and sense of fair play. As is tradition, the Olympic fire was put out and the Olympic ensign was handed over to the organizers of the next Winter EYOF in 2011, the Czech city of Liberec.
The Slask-Beskidy EYOF was a good success, at the level of sports results (16 NOCs won medals), organisation, and above all the joyous atmosphere not to mention the abundant snow that the young athletes from across Europe experienced in these memorable days in Poland.
Well done dear Polish friends!