During the ongoing 16th European Youth Olympic Festival (EYOF), a range of accompanying activities have taken place in and around Banská Bystrica. One of them was the ceremonial presentation of a set of medals to the President of the European Olympic Committees (EOC), Spyros Capralos, on July 28 in the premises of Beniczky restaurant.
On this occasion, the President of the Slovak Olympic and Sports Committee (SOSC) Anton Siekel donated to the EOC President the torch of the EYOF Banská Bystrica 2022.
The creator of the torch is Miroslav Guzy from Stara Lesna, who produced it for the purposes of SOSC’s Olympic education projects.
A total of 25 pieces of these torches were produced, which serve the Olympic clubs in organisation of their regional Olympic events.
Selected Olympic clubs also lent their torches for the Opening Ceremony of the EYOF Banská Bystrica 2022 and thus symbolically contributed to the successful opening of this sporting event.
The Flame of Peace torch was lit in Rome, Italy on 30 May.