06 Feb 2018


Categories: Misc.

6 February 2018

The King of Spain, HM Felipe VI, bestowed the title «Royal» to the Spanish Olympic Academy, which from now on will be named “Spanish Royal Olympic Academy”. This came as a result of the request from the president of the Academy, Conrado Durántez, together with the president of the Spanish Olympic Committee, Alejandro Blanco, to the Royal House.

This acknowledgement by the King of Spain is the kick-off of the celebrations for the 50th anniversary of the foundation of the Academy – the oldest national Olympic academy in the world – which also becomes the first to have the title of “Royal”.

“It is a great honor to receive from the highest institution of the State such an important title which gives credit to the extraordinary work of the Academy beginning from the Middle Ages”, stresses Conrado Durántez.

The Spanish Olympic Academy, the first National Olympic Academy, was created in Madrid on the 6 November 1968, in the image of the International Olympic Academy, founded seven years earlier. There are currently 146 National Olympic Academies which, together with the International Olympic Academy of Olympia, aim to boost and defend the philosophical values ​​of the Olympic movement, as conceived by its founder Pierre de Coubertin.

The Spanish Olympic Academy, as a pioneer of its kind, has been the landmark for the creation of a large number of National Olympic Academies in other countries. In the same way, since its origins and non-stop activity, the organization manages multiple activities of the Olympic pedagogy. Amongst other things, the annual session, which regularly hosts high-level speakers and shortlists the representatives who will attend the International Olympic Academy’s next session.

Having taken part to the 50th anniversary celebrations, the Presidents of Latin American Olympic Academies will also attend the 30th Congress of the Spanish-Speaking Pan-American Association of Olympic Academies to be held soon in Madrid.