15 Dec 2017


Categories: Misc.

15 December 2017

Following the social and educational projects ” # OlympicLab”, “Do Like Olympians”, “Olympic Lesson” and many others, which gained great popularity with Ukrainians, again within the context of the NOC of Ukraine’s campaign for a healthier life, President Sergey Bubka has announced the launch of a new social campaign aimed at involving young Ukrainians in a healthy and active way of life.

“Not everyone who does sports will become a champion, but all will grow up strong and successful personalities ” – said Bubka.

The campaign launch was preceded by a social study on youth well-being and the positive impact the Olympic Movement can have, conducted by the international company GFK at the request of the NOC of Ukraine and supported by the Coca-Cola Company.

Following the results of this study, the NOC prepared seven short films about Olympic values together with the largest Ukrainian studio FILM.UA. The films show how sports, human values ​​and team engagement help young people to succeed and enjoy life. The actors are all famous Ukrainian athletes, Olympic champions and prize-winners, and medallists of the World and European championships, namely Olga Kharlan, Yuriiy Cheban, Oleg Vemiaiev, Zhan Beleniuk, Olga Saladukha, Illia K vasha, and Georgiy Zantaraia.

The films have already been shown to the public by leading Ukrainian TV channels.

The NOC of Ukraine has also produced DVDs that will be sent to each school in Ukraine to be used in their educational activity.

All educational institutions in the country will be involved in the project through open discussions and master classes with the participation of well-known Olympians.

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