14 Jun 2023

WADA delegation to deliver educational anti-doping programmes at the European Games

Categories: EG

14 June 2023

The World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) has set out its plans to promote clean sport among the 7,000 athletes competing at the European Games Krakow-Malopolska 2023.

The WADA delegation in Poland, led by President Witold Bańka in person, will include a team working on athlete engagement as well as a group of independent observers, whose role will be to monitor and report on all phases of the anti-doping process.

President Bańka explained: “Our multifaceted approach has proven to be effective at previous major events and we look forward to implementing it again at these European Games as we continue to work together with our various partners to raise the game for
athletes worldwide.”

WADA’s Athlete Engagement team in Poland will include three members of the newly appointed WADA Athlete Council. They will deliver engagement activities under the ‘One True Sport’ campaign banner, with support from the Polish Anti-Doping Agency (POLADA.)

WADA will also run an independent observer programme at the Games with the aim of enhancing athlete and public confidence in the quality, reliability and effectiveness of the anti-doping processes at this and future major multi-sport events.

The anti-doping programme of the European Games 2023 will be operated by the International Testing Agency (ITA) on behalf of the European Olympic Committees (EOC) with support from POLADA and the local organising committee. WADA’s observer team will provide these bodies with daily feedback and also issue a post-Games report with recommendations to improve anti-doping activities for future events.

EOC President Spyros Capralos said: “The presence of WADA alongside our ITA and local partners will further strengthen the comprehensive anti-doping programme at the European Games, while also delivering a legacy for future sports events. This is a crucial
area in which the EOC is proud to collaborate with world-class partner organisations.”