18 Feb 2011


Categories: Misc.

Liberec (CZE), 17 February – The organisers of EYOWF 2011 are eager to share their experience and know-how with other organisers of the most important sporting events for young people.

That is the purpose of the three-day Observer Programme started on Wednesday 16th in the Official EOC Hotel Zlatý Lev.

Among participants are representatives of the Chinese city of Nanjing, which will host the Summer Youth Olympic Games in 2014, as well as organisers of the Winter Youth Olympics in 2012 in Innsbruck.

This very special seminar is also being attended by organisers of future summer and winter Olympic festivals: Trabzon 2011, Utrecht and Brasov for 2013 and the recently awarded Vorarlberg/Liechtenstein organisation for 2015. Interest has been also shown by the city of Sarajevo, the other winter candidate.