04 Sep 2009

Yerevan (Armenia) – On September 2, an agreement was signed between Armenia and Azerbaijan regarding the forthcoming European Junior Judo Championships.

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Attending the meeting Mr Azad Rahimov Minister for youth and sport of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Mr Fuxuli Alekperov, president of Azerbaijani Judo Federation, together with sports officials from the two National Olympic Committees.

EOC representative, the EC member Efraim Zinger attended as observer the meeting intended to guarantee the security of the sports delegations and international journalists during the Championships to be held in the Armenian capital city between 11 and 13 on this month.

Similar EOCs role was experienced en 2007.when the Azerbaijani and Armenian NOCs together with the IOC reached and signed an agreement which charged parties with commitments in order to guarantee for Armenian delegation easy and fruitful participation in World Wrestling Championships in Baku.